questions & answers

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All questions related to aesthetic clinic and procedures.

Engaging in sports or vigorous physical activities should be avoided for
about 4 to 6 weeks after Otoplasty to prevent any strain or impact on the ears
during the initial healing phase. Following this period, gradual return to
physical activities is recommended, with protective measures such as wearing
a headband or helmet as advised by the surgeon. Consultation with the
surgeon helps determine the appropriate timing for resuming specific sports or

Before Otoplasty, it’s advisable to follow general pre-operative guidelines,
including avoiding certain medications that can increase bleeding risks and
adhering to fasting instructions if undergoing general anesthesia. After surgery,
maintaining a healthy diet to aid in recovery is recommended. While no specific
dietary restrictions exist, following post-operative care instructions, avoiding
alcohol, and refraining from smoking can contribute to optimal healing and
better outcomes.

Yes, Otoplasty can be combined with other cosmetic procedures for a
comprehensive enhancement. Commonly, it is paired with procedures like
rhinoplasty (nose surgery) or facelifts to achieve overall facial harmony.
However, combining surgeries should be discussed thoroughly with a qualified
surgeon to ensure safety, understand potential risks, recovery implications, and
ascertain if the patient is a suitable candidate for multiple procedures
performed simultaneously, optimizing aesthetic results while prioritizing health
and safety.

After Otoplasty, initial healing involves wearing a protective dressing or
headband for about a week or more. Swelling and bruising usually peak in the
first few days, gradually subsiding within a few weeks. Sutures are removed
within 1-2 weeks. While most discomfort diminishes within a month, full
recovery, including reduced swelling and final results, takes several months.
Regular follow-ups with the surgeon monitor progress and ensure proper

Yes, Otoplasty can address conditions like “lop ear” (where the top of the
ear folds downward) and “shell ear” (where the natural folds and contours of
the ear are absent). The surgery aims to reshape, reconstruct, or reposition the
affected areas of the ear, improving their appearance and restoring a more
natural contour. The specific techniques used in Otoplasty can be tailored to
correct these congenital ear deformities for enhanced aesthetics.

After Otoplasty, it’s advisable to sleep with your head elevated for the
initial few weeks to minimize swelling and pressure on the ears. Avoid sleeping
on the sides or directly on the operated ears to prevent unintentional stress or
trauma to the surgical site. Using extra pillows or sleeping in a reclined position
might aid in keeping the head elevated and reduce discomfort during sleep.

Before Otoplasty, certain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or other
blood-thinning medications should be avoided to reduce the risk of excessive
bleeding. Herbal supplements and specific vitamins might also increase
bleeding risks and should be halted before surgery. After Otoplasty,
medications or supplements that might interfere with healing or increase
bleeding, unless prescribed by the surgeon, should be avoided to promote
proper recovery and minimize complications.

After Otoplasty, wearing helmets or headgear may require temporary
adjustments due to initial swelling and sensitivity around the ears. Using soft
padding or cushioning inside the headgear can alleviate pressure on the ears
during the healing phase. As the swelling subsides, typically within a few
weeks to months, most individuals can resume wearing helmets or headgear
comfortably, but it’s recommended to consult with the surgeon for personalized

After Otoplasty, it’s advisable to avoid skincare products, such as harsh
cleansers, exfoliants, or creams containing fragrances or irritating ingredients,
around the surgical site. Instead, use mild, hypoallergenic cleansers and
moisturizers recommended by the surgeon to gently cleanse the area. Avoid
applying any products directly on the incisions until the surgeon provides
specific post operative skincare instructions to ensure proper healing and
minimize irritation.

Otoplasty can correct both asymmetrical ears and protruding ears. The
procedure aims to enhance symmetry by reshaping, repositioning, or resizing
the ears to achieve a more balanced appearance. Whether addressing
protrusion, asymmetry, or a combination of irregularities, Otoplasty techniques
can be tailored to the specific needs of the patient, offering customised
solutions to improve the overall harmony and symmetry of the ears.

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