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It is important to have realistic expectations for the outcome of rhinoplasty. A well-performed rhinoplasty should result in a natural-looking nose that enhances your facial features and is in proportion to the rest of your face. The goal of rhinoplasty is to improve the appearance of the nose, not to create a new, artificial-looking nose. A qualified and experienced plastic surgeon will work with you to understand your goals for the procedure and will take into consideration the shape and proportion of your face, as well as the structure of your nose, when planning the surgery. It’s important to have a consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to discuss your expectations and the possibilities. The surgeon may also show you the simulation of the surgery before the procedure, this will give you a rough idea of what you should expect.

Rhinoplasty is typically not performed on pregnant women due to the risk of complications related to anaesthesia and the healing process. Pregnancy can cause hormonal changes in the body that can affect the shape and size of the nose, as well as increase the risk of bleeding and infection. Additionally, the use of anaesthesia during pregnancy can pose a risk to both the mother and the baby. Therefore, it’s best to wait until after pregnancy to consider the procedure. However, in case of emergency, if the pregnancy is not at risk, the surgery may be performed with proper precautions and consent from the obstetrician. It’s essential to have a consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon that will evaluate your case and determine the best approach for you, as well as to coordinate with your obstetrician.

Rhinoplasty is typically performed as a one stage single surgery, but in some cases, it may be necessary to perform the procedure in multiple stages. This can be the case when the patient has a complex or severe deformity (post traumatic or congenital), or when the patient’s goals cannot be achieved in one surgery. For example, in some post traumatic nasal reconstructions we may need 2 or 3 stages to reconstruct the nose using surrounding tissues and grafts. In these cases, the surgeon may perform the procedure in stages to minimise the risks, and to achieve the best possible outcome. Additionally, performing the surgery in stages allows for a more gradual healing process and reduces the overall stress on the body. It’s essential to have a consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon that will evaluate your case and determine the best approach for you.

After rhinoplasty, it’s important to avoid wearing glasses or sunglasses for at least one week to protect the nose from pressure and trauma during the healing process. After one week, you can begin to wear glasses, but it is best to avoid glasses with frames that rest on the nose for at least 4-6 weeks. This will help to minimise the risk of disrupting the healing process and causing discomfort. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions based on your individual case, and will advise you on when it is safe to wear glasses or sunglasses again. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure proper healing and to achieve the best possible results. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that the shape of your nose may have changed during the surgery, so you may need to have your glasses adjusted or re-fitted to ensure a comfortable and proper fit.

Rhinoplasty can be performed on people with a history of keloid scarring, but it’s important to choose a surgeon who has experience and expertise in performing rhinoplasty on patients with this condition. Keloid scarring can occur when the body overproduces collagen, which can lead to raised, thick scars that extend beyond the original wound or incision site. The nose is a complex structure, and the risk of keloid scarring is higher in people with darker skin tones, and in people who have a history of keloid scarring. It’s important to take preventative measures, such as cortisone injections, pressure dressings, and silicone sheeting, to minimise the risk of keloid scarring after surgery. Additionally, the surgeon should also be familiar with the latest techniques and technologies that can help minimise the risk of keloid scarring, such as laser therapy and cryotherapy. It’s essential to have a consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon that has performed rhinoplasty on patients with similar characteristics.

Rhinoplasty can be performed on older adults, but it’s important to keep in mind that the recovery time may be longer, and the skin may not heal as quickly or as well as in younger patients. As we age, our skin loses collagen and elasticity, which can make it more difficult for the skin to bounce back after surgery. Additionally, older adults may have other health conditions that need to be taken into account before undergoing surgery. However, rhinoplasty can be still a good option for older adults who are in good health and have realistic expectations for the final outcome. It’s also important for older adults to have a realistic understanding of the procedure and its potential risks and benefits. It is essential for older adults to have a consultation with an experienced surgeon, who will evaluate your health and goals to determine if rhinoplasty is a suitable option for you.

Rhinoplasty can be used to reshape and refine an ethnic nose, and the specific changes will depend on the individual’s goals and the surgeon’s expertise. An ethnic nose may have distinct characteristics such as a wider nostrils, a more prominent nasal hump, or a flatter nasal bridge. An experienced and well-trained surgeon should be able to preserve or enhance the patient’s ethnic characteristics while achieving a more balanced and natural-looking nose. The surgeon should take into account the patient’s ethnicity, facial structure and overall appearance to achieve a result that looks natural, and enhances the patient’s overall appearance. It’s essential to choose a surgeon who has experience in performing rhinoplasty on patients with similar ethnic backgrounds, as they will be familiar with the unique challenges and considerations that come with ethnic rhinoplasty.

Yes, rhinoplasty can be combined with other smaller facial procedures such as buccal fat removal, eyelid surgery, chin augmentation or jawline and neck liposuction. This is known as “facial plastic surgery” or “facial rejuvenation” and can help to achieve a more balanced and harmonious overall appearance. Combining these procedures can provide patients with a more comprehensive approach to their facial rejuvenation. For example, a simultaneous eyelid surgery can rejuvenate the periorbital region, while rhinoplasty can reshape and refine the nose, while a chin augmentation can improve the balance of the lower face. Combining these procedures also allows for a more efficient use of the recovery time, as well as a more cost-effective solution. However, it’s important to note that not all patients are good candidates for multiple procedures, and it’s essential to have a thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine the best approach for you.

Yes, there are non-surgical options for nose reshaping, such as injectable fillers. These options are generally considered less invasive than surgery, and can be used to add volume or reshape certain areas of the nose. Injectable fillers such as hyaluronic acid can be used to add volume to the nasal bridge, to smooth out small bumps or depressions, or to change the shape of the tip. However, it’s important to note that the results of non-surgical nose reshaping are not as long-lasting as surgical options. The effects of injectable fillers typically last for about 6 to 12 months, after which the procedure must be repeated to maintain the desired results. Additionally, non-surgical options are not capable of addressing structural issues such as deviated septum. It’s important to discuss your options with an experienced injector and make an informed decision that is best for you.

Rhinoplasty can correct structural problems with the nose that are causing breathing difficulties, such as a deviated septum. A deviated septum occurs when the thin wall of cartilage and bone that separates the nostrils is off-centre, which can cause difficulty breathing. Rhinoplasty can help to reposition the septum, improving airflow through the nose. Additionally, some rhinoplasty procedures can also improve airflow through the nose by reducing the size of the nostrils, or by reshaping the nasal tip and/or bridge. It’s important to note that not all breathing problems can be corrected with rhinoplasty, and some patients may require additional procedures, such as septoplasty or sinus surgery, to address their breathing issues. Therefore, it’s important to have a thorough evaluation with an experienced surgeon who specialises in both cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty to determine if the procedure is appropriate for you.

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